Monday, June 21, 2010


In honor of Father's Day....

There are many ways to say it: Daddy, Pops, Papa, Padre, Father, and I've even heard kids use their father's first names...But mine, well mine was just Dad. He was a teacher of sorts, a coach, a friend, a loving husband, an uncle, and a brother, but the thing I think he loved the most was being a DAD to me and my two step-brothers. Although he and I both hated the word "Step" and it was almost never used (except to explain why their was only 6 months difference between me and my youngest brother ;). They were his sons, no different than I was his daughter. He taught me/us a lot....

He taught me the difference between "wants" and "needs". Most of us are already blessed with all we need (a roof over our heads, food to eat , family members who are likely some of our best friends, and a job to keep us busy and make us feel productive) but spend too much time thinking about our wants, never realizing what all we have.

My Dad taught me the importance of laughter. My Dad was the funniest man I have ever known. There was never a time when I called upset over something silly that he didn't laugh...not at me, but with me. He would find a way to make a joke out of it..and soon I wouldn't be able to remember what I even called about. Even the night before my dad passed away he took a sudden turn for the better, sitting up in his hospital bed for the first time in days, making jokes and giving us one last good laugh to share with him. "The most wasted of all days, is one without laughter"

When I was young, I was one tough cookie! I said what I thought with no regard to the consequences, had just as much fun playing with G.I Joes and toy cars as I did with barbies, and loved trying to do whatever my brothers could do, just to prove a girl could do it too- especially ME. I wouldn't even take off my jeans to take silly pictures in dresses (wore them underneath from time to time to make everyone happy) I remember my youngest brother taking karate lessons at the same time wrestling was really big on TV. Over one weekend spent at my dad's house he was wanting to try out all his new moves- so like a good sister I stood there letting him show me what he learned ..not knowing I was a real demonstration for his karate moves and my oldest brother's slick WWF tricks. I was having a fit when they actually kicked/hit me. My Dad, again laughing at how I was carrying on, said "well I guess you better learn some karate of your own huh?" "You can't ACT tough and expect to play with the big boys, you gotta BE tough". He wanted me to be tough and take up for myself. . and although I dress a little nicer, and have a little more lady like way of getting my point across these days- I'm still a tough cookie Dad!

In honor of John Jackson Welch III...the first one to make me feel tall and strong (even if it was riding on his shoulders ;), the first whiskery kiss I was ever given, and the first man I ever gave my heart to...My Dad

1 comment:

  1. Big, this was your best post yet. I know that your dad is very proud of you every single day as he watches over you. You are such a strong and beautiful person and I am so thankful that I have you in my life. :) Looking forward to your future posts!
